- Auto/biographical Avatars
- Avatars, Alter Egos, and Ventriloquists’ Dummies: Voice and Vicariousness Online
- Biographical Case Study: Margaret Masterman
- Cyberbodies: Imaginative Agency in Digital Futures
- Databases and Networks
- Health Identity and Self-Representation
- Health Quantification and Self-Tracking
- Imaginative Agency
- Imaginative Agency: New Possibilities
- Introduction
- Life Online To-Day and To-Morrow
- Mass Observation Directive
- Observations
- Researching the Narrative Construction of Mommy Vlogger Influencers
- Self-Observation Online
- Sharing-Life-in-the-Moment as Small Stories: Participation, Social Relations, and Subjectivity
- Showing the Moment
- Social Media and Community Surveillance
- Social Media Case Studies
- Talking Interfaces
- The Networked Voice
- The Use of Self-Tracking Technologies and Social Media in Self-Representation and Management of Health
- To-Day and To-Morrow Online: Technology, Futurology, and Networked Self-Presentation
- Violence
- What Is Health?
- Clare Brant
- Max Saunders
- aesthetics
- affect
- agency
- authenticity
- books
- computer
- datafication
- diaries
- emojis
- ethics
- events
- future
- health
- identity
- images
- immediacy
- narrative
- networks
- performance
- platforms
- privacy, public/private
- quantification
- selfies
- sharing
- social media
- stories
- subjectivity (inter-subjectivity)
- web 2.0
- A Literary Guide to Natural Language Processing
- Biographical Case Study: Margaret Masterman
- Data Sampling, Tracking, and Tracing
- Health Quantification and Self-Tracking
- Historicity
- How to Read a Chatbot
- Imaginative Agency
- Natural Language Processing
- Opacity and Not Talking
- Research Design, Methodology, Influences, and Reflections
- Researching the Narrative Construction of Mommy Vlogger Influencers
- Selected Mass Observation Responses
- Self-Observation Online
- Sharing-Life-in-the-Moment as Small Stories: Participation, Social Relations, and Subjectivity
- Talking Interfaces
- The Use of Self-Tracking Technologies and Social Media in Self-Representation and Management of Health
- Rebecca Roach
- art history
- close reading
- conversation analysis
- corpus assisted discourse analysis
- critical theory
- cultural studies
- digital ethnography & tracking
- digital humanities
- discourse analysis
- english
- feminism
- history
- life writing
- literary theory
- media archaeology
- media theory
- medical humanities
- multimodal analysis
- multimodal semiotic analysis
- narrative analysis
- natural language processing
- neurology
- platform studies
- positioning analysis
- postcolonial studies/theory
- practice-based research
- qualitative research
- quantitative research
- small stories research
- sociolinguistics
- sociology
- software studies
- A Literary Guide to Natural Language Processing
- Analyzing Online Expression Affordances on IRC and Twitter
- Auto/biographical Avatars
- Biographical Case Study: J. M. Coetzee
- Chatbot Lives
- Chatbots
- Chatbots and Literature
- Databases and Networks
- Data Sampling, Tracking, and Tracing
- Gatekeepers
- Health Identity and Self-Representation
- Health Quantification and Self-Tracking
- How to Read a Chatbot
- Life and War Writing, Off- and Online
- Literature, Talk, and Computing
- Mass Observation Directive
- Natural Language Processing
- Observations
- Opacity and Not Talking
- Public Interfaces
- Researching the Narrative Construction of Mommy Vlogger Influencers
- Self-Observation Online
- Sharing-Life-in-the-Moment as Small Stories: Participation, Social Relations, and Subjectivity
- Sharing the Moment Now as Breaking News
- Showing the Moment
- Social Media and Community Surveillance
- Social Media Case Studies
- Symmetrical Breakfasts
- Talking Interfaces
- The Use of Self-Tracking Technologies and Social Media in Self-Representation and Management of Health
- To-Day and To-Morrow Online: Technology, Futurology, and Networked Self-Presentation
- What Is Health?
- Writing Talking Interfaces
- Alisa Miller
- Rebecca Roach
- access
- agency
- datafication
- historicity
- imaginative agency
- participation
- privacy, public/private
- quantification
- ritual appreciation
- A Literary Guide to Natural Language Processing
- Analyzing Online Expression Affordances on IRC and Twitter
- Avatars, Alter Egos, and Ventriloquists’ Dummies: Voice and Vicariousness Online
- Balloons as Imaginative Agents
- Biographical Case Study: J. M. Coetzee
- Biographical Case Study: Margaret Masterman
- Chatbot Lives
- Chatbots
- Chatbots and Literature
- Data Sampling, Tracking, and Tracing
- Emojis
- Gatekeepers
- Google Doodle
- Health Identity and Self-Representation
- Health Quantification and Self-Tracking
- Historicity
- Imaginative Agency
- Introduction
- Lenses, Screens, and Datafication
- Life and War Writing, Off- and Online
- Life Online To-Day and To-Morrow
- Literature, Talk, and Computing
- Mass Observation Directive
- Observations
- Opacity and Not Talking
- Reflection 1: What Are Social Media?
- Reflection 2: About This “Book”
- Reflection 4: Writing for Online Reading
- Reflections: On Making This Publication
- Researching the Narrative Construction of Mommy Vlogger Influencers
- Selected Mass Observation Responses
- Self-Observation Online
- Sharing-Life-in-the-Moment as Small Stories: Participation, Social Relations, and Subjectivity
- Sharing the Moment Now as Breaking News
- Showing the Moment
- Social Media and Community Surveillance
- Social Media Case Studies
- The Networked Voice
- The Original Log
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The Use of Self-Tracking Technologies and Social Media in Self-Representation and Management of Health
- To-Day and To-Morrow Online: Technology, Futurology, and Networked Self-Presentation
- What Is Health?
- Writing Talking Interfaces
- Alexandra Georgakopoulou
- affordances
- breaking news
- diaries
- digital/computer games
- digital ethnography & tracking
- embodiment
- historicity
- identity
- images
- imaginative agency
- narrative
- (narrative) stancetaking
- platforms
- platform studies
- poly-storying
- rescripting
- selfies
- sharing
- sharing life-in-the-moment
- small stories
- snapchat
- snapchat stories
- social media
- stories
This essay explores how software and the Self have become increasingly intertwined.
- A Literary Guide to Natural Language Processing
- Analyzing Online Expression Affordances on IRC and Twitter
- Avatars, Alter Egos, and Ventriloquists’ Dummies: Voice and Vicariousness Online
- Biographical Case Study: J. M. Coetzee
- Biographical Case Study: Margaret Masterman
- Chatbot Lives
- Chatbots
- Chatbots and Literature
- Health Identity and Self-Representation
- Health Quantification and Self-Tracking
- How to Read a Chatbot
- Lenses, Screens, and Datafication
- Life Online To-Day and To-Morrow
- Mass Observation Directive
- Mediations
- Natural Language Processing
- Reflection 1: What Are Social Media?
- Reflections: On Making This Publication
- Researching the Narrative Construction of Mommy Vlogger Influencers
- Sharing-Life-in-the-Moment as Small Stories: Participation, Social Relations, and Subjectivity
- Showing the Moment
- Social Media and Community Surveillance
- Social Media Case Studies
- Talking Interfaces
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The Use of Self-Tracking Technologies and Social Media in Self-Representation and Management of Health
- What Is Health?
- Writing Talking Interfaces
- Stijn Peeters
- agency
- automation
- communities
- computer
- health
- history
- identity
- irc
- life writing
- platform studies
- sharing
- social media
- software studies
- video
- virtual worlds
- voice
This essay focuses on time, arguably one of the most important concepts in digital and social media.
- Avatars, Alter Egos, and Ventriloquists’ Dummies: Voice and Vicariousness Online
- “Future” Wars
- Imaginative Agency
- Introduction
- Life and War Writing, Off- and Online
- Life Online To-Day and To-Morrow
- Mass Observation Directive
- Observations
- Offline to Online
- Researching the Narrative Construction of Mommy Vlogger Influencers
- Self-Observation Online
- Sharing the Moment Now as Breaking News
- Social Media Case Studies
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The To-Day and To-Morrow Book Series, 1923–1931
- To-Day and To-Morrow Online: Technology, Futurology, and Networked Self-Presentation
- Clare Brant
- Max Saunders
- access
- agency
- breaking news
- computer
- critical theory
- cultural studies
- english
- events
- future
- history
- identity
- immediacy
- life writing
- location
- media theory
- news media
- platforms
- plot/emplotment
- privacy, public/private
- sharing
- social media
- stories
- storytelling
- Databases and Networks
- Life and War Writing, Off- and Online
- Nether Worlds: Imagination, Agents, and Dark Acts
- Observations
- Offline to Online
- Reflection 3: Researcher Stance
- Reflections: On Making This Publication
- Self-Observation Online
- Showing the Moment
- Social Media Case Studies
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The Social Media Curation of Stories: Stories as a Feature on Snapchat and Instagram
- The Use of Self-Tracking Technologies and Social Media in Self-Representation and Management of Health
- Violence
- Rob Gallagher
- access
- communities
- datafication
- digital/computer games
- digital ethnography & tracking
- embodiment
- health
- history
- identity
- irc
- location
- media theory
- networks
- news media
- place/space
- platforms
- practice-based research
- privacy, public/private
- qualitative research
- sharing
- social media
- Avatars, Alter Egos, and Ventriloquists’ Dummies: Voice and Vicariousness Online
- Health Identity and Self-Representation
- Health Quantification and Self-Tracking
- Life and War Writing, Off- and Online
- Life Online To-Day and To-Morrow
- Reflection 3: Researcher Stance
- Reflection 4: Writing for Online Reading
- Reflections: On Making This Publication
- Sharing-Life-in-the-Moment as Small Stories: Participation, Social Relations, and Subjectivity
- Talking Interfaces
- The Use of Self-Tracking Technologies and Social Media in Self-Representation and Management of Health
- What Is Health?
- Lisa Gee
- agency
- audience selection
- close reading
- life writing
- researchers
- stance